baba Vanga, a Bulgarian prophetess.
Image via Wikipedia

Baba Vanga was a Bulgarian alleged clairvoyant. She convinced many followers that she possessed paranormal abilities.


2010 - World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons.

2011 - As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation. Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans.

2014 - Most people will suffer skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).

2016 - Europe almost lonely (empty).

2018 - New China becomes a world power. Developing countries in turn operated from exploiters.

2023 - A little bit of change in the Earth’s orbit.

2025 - Europe still little settled.

2028 - Creating a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. Launched a manned spacecraft to Venus.

2033 - The polar ice are melting. Greater levels of the oceans.

2043 - The world economy is thriving. In Europe, Muslims rule.

2046 - any bodies (organs) can be manufactured (cloning?). Replacing the bodies is becoming one of the best methods of treatment.

2066 - During the attack on the Muslim Rome, the United States used a new kind of weapon - the climate. The sharp cooling (instant freezing).

2076 - Classless Society (communism).

2084 - The restoration of nature.

2088 - A new disease - aging for a few seconds!

2097 - The rapid aging defeated.

2100 - Artificial sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth.

2111 - People become living robots.

2123 - The war between small nations. Big nations do not intervene.

2125 - Hungary will receive signals from space.

2130 - Colony under water (with the help of sympathetic councils).

2164 - Animals turn half-human.

2167 - A new religion.

2170 - Major drought.

2183 - A colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power, and demands independence from the Earth (like when - the United States from England).

2187 - Will stop 2 large eruption of volcanoes.

2195 - Sea Colony fully developed, abundant energy and food.

2196 - Complete mixing of Asians and Europeans.

2201 - At the Sun slowing thermonuclear processes. Temperature drops.

2221 - In the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with what - something terrible.

2256 - Spacecraft forgotten to Earth terrible new disease.

2262 - Planets gradually changing planetary orbit. Mars is threatened by comets.

2271 - Restart physical constants are changed. (Laws of physics changed?)

2273 - Mixing yellow, white and black races. New race.

2279 - Power from nothing (probably from a vacuum or a black hole).

2288 - Travel back in time (Time Travel invented?). New contacts with aliens.

2291 - The sun cools. Attempts were being made to light it again.

2296 - Powerful eruption on the Sun. Changing the force of gravity. Beginning to fall old space stations and satellites.

2299 - In France, guerrilla movement against Islam.

2302 - New important laws and secrets of the universe revealed.

2304 - Secrets of the Moon revealed.

2341 - Something terrible is approaching Earth from space.

2354 - An accident in one of the artificial Sun leads to drought.

2371 - The great famine.

2378 - A new fast-growing race.

2480 - 2 artificial Suns collide. Land in the twilight.

3005 -The war on Mars. Violated the trajectory of the planet.

3010 - Comet hits Moon. Around the Earth - ring/zone of the stones and dust.

3797 - By this time on Earth killed all life, but mankind will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another stellar system.

3803 - A new planet is populated by little. Fewer contacts between people. Climate new planet affects the organisms of people - they mutate.

3805 - The war between humans for resources. More than half of people dying out.

3815 - The war is over.

3854 - The development of civilization virtually stops. People live flocks as beasts.

3871 - New prophet tells people about moral values, religion.

3874 - New prophet receives support from all segments of the population. Organized a new church.

3878 - along with the Church to re-train new people forgotten sciences.

4302 - New cities are growing in the world. New Church encourages the development of new technology and science.

4302 - The development of science. Scientists discovered in the overall impact of all diseases in organism behavior.

4304 - Found a way to win any disease.

4308 - Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.

4509 - Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God.

4599 - People achieve immortality.

4674 - The development of civilization has reached its peak. The number of people living on different planets is about 340 billion. Assimilation begins with aliens.

5076 - A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.

5078 - The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe. While about 40 percent of the population is against it.

5079 - End of the World.


  1. I think this is fake predictions for baba vanga

    i think this might b the real thepropheticyears

    of the events so check out this site

  2. 5078 - The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe. While about 40 percent of the population is against it.

    How exactly does one leave the boundaries of our universe? Space is curved. Travel in a straight line for long enough and you'll just end up right back where you started!

    Secondly, how did they figure out that 40% of 340 billion people (I assume humans) scattered throughout space were against leaving the Universe? Talk about massive public opinion polls!

  3. HORSESHIT!!! Period.

  4. my name is Angelos Fernandes. if you're listening to this, you're a resistance. THERE IS NO FATE BUT WHAT WE MAKE FOR OURSELVES. fine... maybe predictions can make our lives cheered.. but let's wait till 2010. According to Baba Vanga, she said that it'll be a WWIII, if she said is true. If not, I'll desecrate her cemetery. 2, the last full stop of the world is unknown! only god who knows. and I don't want any motherfucker said there is no god!

  5. well, no use saying thing whatever to god that you dont believe or not..

    just wait and see whether she saying true..

    i believe her because one teenage say World Wars3 is coming soon.. that why he jump to death..

    we can do is to leave ourselves to fate..
    understand mah?
    every human fear death..

  6. Were no strangers to love
    You know the rules and so do i
    A full commitments what Im thinking of
    You wouldnt get this from any other guy

    I just wanna tell you how Im feeling
    Gotta make you understand

    * never gonna give you up
    Never gonna let you down
    Never gonna run around and desert you
    Never gonna make you cry
    Never gonna say goodbye
    Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

    Weve know each other for so long
    Your hearts been aching
    But youre too shy to say it
    Inside we both know whats been going on
    We know the game and were gonna play it

    And if you ask me how Im feeling
    Dont tell me youre too blind to see

    (* repeat)

    Give you up. give you up
    Give you up, give you up
    Never gonna give
    Never gonna give, give you up
    Never gonna give
    Never gonna give, five you up

    I just wanna tell you how Im feeling
    Gotta make you understand

    (* repeat 3 times)

  7. baba vangas n'a pas vu le retour de jesus christ le sauveur de l'humanité? merci

  8. На Български:
    Ванга никога не е предсказвала бъдещето! Престанете с тези спекулации!
    In English:
    Vanga has never predicted the future! Stop these speculations!

  9. Every predicition up to date has been covered somehow, so I dont think that this is an exception. Astrology tells us that, in 2010 Uranus will enter Aries, explosive planet in explosive sign, for the next 7 years, + Saturn drawing energy in peacefull Libra for 3 years, and a lot of unexpected conjuntions will definitly change the world as we know. 21.12.2012 is a new begining of the end of the war rather anything else. Though I dont think it will be a world war as much as NATO against N.Korea or Iran. Anyhow I hope that it won't happen.

  10. Assuming this is a cheatsheet from her,Lets break the prediction then,

  11. For 2011.. The most powerful muslim country is Turkey, and I can say as a Turkish. WE ARE NOT KILLER!!! We wont kill the civils. We believe that "PEACE IN HOMELAND, PEACE IN THE WORLD". It means We cant attack to other countries. B/c Our leader whose name is Ataturk told us that, and alose he said that "If war is not neversary it is a murder, and war should be just between soldiers." We are honesty people and we have a honor. Therefore please erase your prejudge about us.

    And I cant say that old women was right or wrong. Just God knows. I hope she was a crazy.

  12. Hmmm ... Do not worry our millitary is realy to powerful for them.

  13. anyting that will come over us,, then come to us ...when it happens there's nothing we can do unless solve the problem....let's consider it as something interesting to be read... then go over and figure it out wisely

  14. Respect for ataturk,he was born in macedonia

  15. Hey guys, please please please don't believe in this crappy stuff, this is all bullshit and doesn't make any sense. Its like the same stuff been stated by the prophecy of Nostradamus and Mayan calender. In all these Prophecy, none has ever mentioned the exact Date and year of the occurring of these events, its just because of the stupid scientists or researchers who want to get renowned by climbing on the back of old Prophets , so that they can earn money and fame. After going through all these things, i finally realize that few people do this cuz they want to establish fear in the hearts of human beings. This is what these ppl are up to, so stop getting scared and happily concentrate on what you are doing right now. Just do good and everything will happen good to you. Atlast, the best way is to wait for another 8-9 months and see yourself weather the prophecy of Venga and Nostradamus are really going to occur or not.
    Live life the fullest

  16. Hey see year 3797, the year said to be last year of earth according to nostradamus, here vanga also said that by this time on Earth killed all life, but mankind will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another stellar system. But there's a catch if we compare it with nostradamus' prophecies & the indian prophecies of kalki purana both of which says that after ww3 we are goin' to start again from our forefathers days , means that we r goin' back atleast thousand years because of nuclear & chemical warfare. But in vanga's prophecies its not there instead he says about robotic humans.

  17. baba vanga-

    if were going to have a world war 3 in november of 2010, who are we going to go to war with? Also can we stop this war before it happens? if so tell me at

  18. First of all, anyone who is asking Baba Vanga to talk to them/email them, you are idiots, as Baba Vanga died in 1996. Also, I think this could be possible, but is utter bullshit because there is no proof. I believe in a god/gods, but I don't think any one religion is correct.

    I'll wait for all of this to happen, at least what will happen in my life time, and I don't believe we will be in WWIII until at least after 2012.

  19. Un articol care prinde foarte bine la public, cât despre profeţii.. rămâne de văzut ;)

  20. Shit November is 4 months away and I live in Europe! Hopefully I will come back again in 4599 when things have calmed down a bit ;)

  21. hello people i will say a few things:1)I m tired of saying that muslims will rule europe that aint true because they can't do SHIT 2)the northern hemisfere wont be destroyed because i bellive my lord jesus christ's words:"peter you are the rock and on that rock will be a church and hell's soors wont be able to destroy it" so it isnt true and she was a bad,bad prophet and not-illiterate.

    1. When she said the northern hemisphere she means basicly Europe. About Peter and what Jesus said to him: Well as long as there is one christian church in the world, then ok. But the church is not Peter or Rome or the Catholic church, the church is just a group of people united in doing what Jesus taught. All prophecy must be interpreted, if you take it word by word you wont get anywhere

  22. Well fuck. I'm shit scared right now. It's 2010. 4 months away from November. My mum who is spiritual says many spirituals are pointing to something big happening in 2012 which could be the start of these nuclear attacks. I live in Europe and I don't even have a passport for goodness sake! I'm gonna live the rest of life to the max now cause im scared these predictions are true ;( THANKYOU STUPID BULGARIAN WHORE FOR MAKING ME LIVE IN FEAR! You have succeeded in making a 13 year old girl cry. I hope your reincarnation or just you are proud of yourself. That was sarcasm if your a retard.

  23. This is supposed to be a serious discussion. I think I've only seen 2 or 3 posts WITHOUT spelling errors.

  24. I feel like prophecies are more like warnings.
    Kind of a "if society keeps living like this, this is what will happen". Perhaps Vanga DID see 9/11 ahead of time (providing that these are all accurate, which I highly doubt...). Maybe that vision was a warning, the warning was ignored, and the event took place. However, the prophecy for 2008 states assassination attempts to 4 leaders and conflict in Indonesia (or India?) and that will all lead to World War III. Well, it's 2010 and that hasn't happened. Funny how this Baba Vanga and her predictions haven't been heard of until around 2008-2010. I firmly believe that it is either a hoax, or STRONGLY misinterpreted. Regardless of what happens, it is God (whichever one you may believe in)'s will, or if you don't believe, it's fate. You can't fight it.
    As for these prophecies, I just don't find them to be accurate what so ever.

  25. You know, there is a possibility of WW3 in november, since the thing happening with north korea and ''declaring a sacred war''
    That could be the trigger of WW3


  27. @Victoria. lol god god god!! is that thing really exists then i would drop some kids to that things face by my hand. Hahahaha! God will say: ohh my god. u are awesome! :))

  28. @13 year old girl. Dont cry alone. cry at my i can do some better things for u. Hahahaha..sexd'd

  29. It's like I'm really reading a bad sci-fi novel!

  30. I think the war to the third started in my country Indonesia. which will go to war with Malaysia.

  31. Well I guess we'll just have to see within the next three months. I feel like there has been a lot of tension though lately, but hopefully it will not come down to a full blown-out war.

  32. Hi, I am a Gullible Idiot and I believe that Vanga wrote this and it will all come true and I will pay lots of money to get protection so that I will be safe and then I will pay more money to have my tarot cards read. Then I will dig a hole in the ground an live there with my family and eat the food that I have stored there for the next 100 years.

  33. Grammy Vanga is a silly cunt,

    2111 - People become living robots.

    3797 - By this time on Earth killed all life, but mankind will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another stellar system.

    3803 - A new planet is populated by little. Fewer contacts between people. Climate new planet affects the organisms of people - they mutate.

    Mutant Robots, i see it happening.

  34. I know WW3 will happen, it will be called Call of Duty: World War 3D

  35. haha sto nalupeta baba svacega

  36. Well...Baba Vanga was from Bulgaria, where I come from and I remebemer the times she was very popular and everybody wanted to talk to her- she could really "see" things(she was blind), BUT I know for sure none of the listed above was HER prediction- moreover she predicted peace and people getting together in one happy world...This there really sounds like bad fiction!

  37. Well, we'll find out soon enough... she's got about 25 days.

  38. I know Petr.... November 2010 already, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    aaaaaaaaaaa... ummm

  39. North and South Korea launched at each other.
    Some people say the US will get nuked tomorrow...

  40. nothing happened till now...

  41. some people are interpreting her predictions word by word it seems. for example, by the year 2111 people will become robots - it's possible that she meant a cyborg - a person with elec. device implanted. there are still many people that are religiously oriented, esp. those muslims fanatics. it's possible that they are capable of making sth big happen as nuking europe. btw, indonesia is a muslim state and ATM, Obama is in Indonesia. let's see what happens.

  42. okay, a missile that looked like ICBM was launched from off the coast of LA, USA. neither the pentagon nor the military doesn't about it. G20 is coming up soon in S Korea and USA and China have some issues over currency matter. America has made enemies out of muslims and N Korea is politically unsettled. economy is doing bad. J. Tito (proven unreliable) said WW3 starts in November as well. any connection? hope, it's all fiction.

  43. i'm not a physicist, but there's theory in physics that says that space is filled with bubbles, and each bubble is a universe, and our universe is one of the bubbles. what vanga prolly meant was that mankind will have developed sufficient technology to do that feat. also, we cannot laught at her god part since because the current science cannot prove it doesn't mean god or spirit doesn't exist. you may explain away with NDEs but cannot with reincarnation stories. a physics theory says that there are many dimensions, probably god resides in one of the dimensions or possible god is itself everything and we cannot understand him/it (i'm not connecting this with religion)

  44. It seems most of you people think that all countries involved in a World War enter all at the same time. All it takes is two groups to have a war start in this month for the 'start' of WW3

  45. and today north korea has almost started war against south. 200 artilleries fired. is this the start of WWIII. november 2010.. as predicted

  46. korean war anyone?
    Korea has officially announced they are under going war.
    Fuck me sideways
    her predictions are coming true.

  47. Ugh, i havnt hadmy first kiss yet and im 16 T__T.
    Ill probably get skin disease before i get my first kiss :(

  48. Good Joke had enough laugh. LOLZ

    I can't stop my laughing for even single second while reading this hilarious prediction & all this nonsense comment posted above.

    send me some more such BS prediction. I want to enjoy more.

  49. Baba Vanga has become a byword for making a wild, inaccurate prediction.

    An illiterate blind Bulgarian woman, she'd fill the news of sketchy magazines and TV shows catering to the superstitions of the Balkan populace.

    The craze about superstitions is long enduring, and it takes a single high-profile case to prop it up again.During the crisis years of the 90s especially. Soothsayers and magicians, fortune tellers and horoscope-makers exploded all over. Black Magic, bioenergy, talking to the spirits of the dead, ghosts and the like.

  50. >Korean War


  51. omg today are november there is end of november... omg there will be war hhahah :)

  52. the war started in korea... ok this is kinda scary :S

  53. Holyshit.. Didn't saw this coming lol.
    It actually came true :3

  54. Baba Vanga aka. Granny Vanga is right again... WW3 guess is correct, so are all before till this date. Europeans have no more than 3 years to populate some other parts of the earth. I'm really sorry I wont be the one to reach the immortal state... good luck with ww3 all


  56. Well.. to be fair.. She (or someone) predicted that it will start in India after an attempt of assassination of 4 high officials..

    :) But I guess Korea does the trick on human minds..

    It is a felicitous coincidence though..

  57. The current north/south Korea conflict has been on-going since the 50's. The Korean war never ended, it's just been in a cease fire state with the occasional skirmish. It doesn't fit in with these 'predictions'.
    2043-Muslims rule Europe? I can't see Muslims supporting cloning etc that is supposed to happen after 2043.

  58. people it's happening...i am moving from europe,this is pretty serious,i saw some news about:

    N.Korea have a secret and Siegfried S. Hecker knows about it,they told him that they builded nuclear facilities,you can saw it on google earth,on a map...they are building it very fast,they are loading the uranium..

  59. Funny how most online postings of Vanga's prophecies omit the 2003 prediction recorded in 1994: "Soon, in nine years , there will be the end of the world. The Earth will turn away from the Sun. Where was hot, there will be an ice, many animals will die out. The people will fight for energy, but they will have enough soul to stop. And then time will turn back."


    You cannot 'predict the future'
    There is no 'God'
    North Korean having been attacking south Korea for ages and the ONE time the media make a big fuss about it you think its coincidence. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

  61. zooz Vanga emegin helsner dain ehelchdin bol ene solongsoos yawido zda gj yuga hij end surhaw. 12sar eheltel yu ch bolku bol hool awj ogno, yamar neg yum bolhin bol hool awulna gd angin ohinto baritsan odo harjil baihaasda... :D

  62. Damn this is starting to get scary.

    I hope this will not be true and we won't die of chemical crap :(

    God Bless Us All.

  63. Im getting really scared mann :/ Please tell me ww3 is not going to happened)':

  64. I'm guessing she's gonna be wrong since November's gonna end soon :O

  65. 1. North and South have been in this state since the Korean War.
    2. But North hasn't been firing artilleries every day since the Korean War.
    3. Why didn't the North fire artilleries in August, May, January...etc and why November? OR Why didn't Vanga predict that it would be August of 2010 not November of 2010? What are the odds?
    Not saying this prediction was true, but it leads people to believe that it was true.

    4. "START of WW3" doesn't mean all countries will arm and go to war. "START" means beginning. So even 2 countries exchanging some bullets can still lead to a war. And the war within 2 countries can involve more countries which then will result in a World War. Why?
    - U.N wants North to stop the nuclear activity. But North doesn't.
    - U.S will back up South. Then China might back up North. If China and U.S clash then it will get real serious. Russia won't sit idle. Muslims will get a chance to sit back, watch the moves of these countries carefully and pull their wild card. Small countries will be battlefields.

    Israel and Palestine have been in conflict for loong time but Vanga never predicted anything about "World War" related to either or both of these countries and\or certain date related to these countries' conflicts. Why? Maybe - because these 2 countries' conflict would not "invoke" a world war. But current state of North Korea and their nuclear activity, all this currency arguments, U.N economic sanction against North Korea, conflict between North and South, US backing up South...etc can really lead to something big.

    But I really hope this whole thing doesn't cause a World War. If we don't have any war, and concentrate more on economy\science\and technology then we may be able to by-pass a lot of these years\predictions and we might be able to reach those things earlier than the predicted dates.

    "Developing countries in turn operated from exploiters" - I agree with this one too. Countries such as Nepali, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, North Korea, Afghanistan...etc.

  66. Hey i think this is true.Because the news r telling that north korea started the war,so i believe on this predictions.I think that god sent Baba Vanga to tell people to prepare for what is going to happen.This is my think.So maybe it isnt true.I hope it will not happen!It will be disaster!!!!

  67. I dnt Baba vanga knew the date of her death.

    But i dnt believe on this....

    Its a bullshit,its said on november but the war wil start with 2 countries,for example,America will try to stop north korea firing nucklear,then they will start the war, Russian Federation will help N.K then all Asia.. This is it!

  68. T





  69. Do people not know how to spell these days?

  70. Well even if baba Vanga's predictions aren't true by the spelling and slang in these comments I see that movie Idiocracy got it right.

    Anyway this is the only place I found all these predictions beyond WWIII, but I did find WWIII prediction on enough places to believe that it really is Vanga's. The rest is, I believe, just someone's imagination going wild!

  71. Oh shitt Don't be scared if it's gonna hapeenn so we will stay and defend our countries!
    **********For Mothers U.S.A - Europe - ***********

    B A B A . W A N G A 5079
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ E.N.D
    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ OF.THE
    B A B A W A N G ^ WORLD
    E M Y M A M U I ^ !!!!!!
    A E E E S E C A ^
    T R R T R L N ^
    I I E I E T ^
    C C C A S ^
    A A A R ^


  73. well we all know that november only got a few days away and it is gonna be you can see, there is still no ww3...

    how could this all happen if ww3,which is the cause of all those negativities, had never taken place?

    But, it would be better for us to just pray...
    God loves us. He'll be always by our side.

    But if we get into a huge trouble like in this predictions, we know someday, Jesus Christ will return. He will return to save us. He will return to reset the world as it was before, containing peace and unity among nations.

  74. It just happened, Korea..

  75. I have a bad feeling about the problem in N korea and S korea. well we are few days away from dec. If N korea attack again, US and S korea will not do nothing. i have mixed feeling if china would help N korea, Or use her big influence over N korea to stop this war. S korea do not want war, you can see when they fired their defence minster when he fired back

  76. Yeah, Korea is at war. Thats one step closer?

  77. Yup, with S korea increasing troop at the border. And N korea Threaten to launch second and third retaliations.

  78. things happen for a reason...not by prediction...

  79. i have to agree to you. I believe we can control our fate too. If both N and S korea stop the provocation, there will be peace.

  80. It. Isnt. A. World. War.

  81. ~!URGENT!~

    The North Korea Bombed The South Korea
    and we all know the Allies of this Right?
    South Korea - US
    North Korea - China

    With this, it will only mean one thing WW3 so you say it's bulls**t but if right before you're eyes you see this happening then we're clearly headed to a fnck up world.

  82. war happening yet and november is ending....just a slight mistake in that prediction will make all others be crap

  83. we're in November 2010, if there's no war yet at the end of December 2010.....then the entire prediction might as well be totally bullshit.

  84. At the end, Which world?? and why does the prediction stops?? What don't humans tell GOD to stop the end of the world, if there's the god why is there no heaven/hell. End of World means no more people everyone dies?? How's that possible with immortality

  85. its gonna be december tomorrow!

    so this all crap will be just as good as trash...

    no world war 3 happening yet!

    the bombing of S korea by N korea is not a world war...and its just a bomb threat and still no war happening yet involving other nations...

    this all wont happen!!

  86. Any signs of war yet? We're at 30th November already...

    No world war. If that counts as a world war then the war in IRAQ counts as a world war

  88. Haha Merry Christmas from War free Europe :0)

  89. you guys are sdoesnt say world war 3 will instantly start! it says a normal war will start nothing more nothing less, and then over time it will evolve into world war 3...

    just cuz pearl harbor was bombed didnt make world war 2 start instantly you dumb grew into it

    the korea's are the starting of the war it will grow , it doesnt say anything about world war 3 instantly happening

  90. Jeez what's wrong with all of you who think ww3 is happening. Why do you want it so badly? Even if it did happen then we all would die, is that really what you want? Screw you pessimists. I for one, would prefer to die from old age and I refuse to believe in this crap. Even though it does kinda frighten me and the whole korea thing is bothering me too.. but I really hope I'll get to live a normal life and experience things cuz I'm still a teen. So peace everyone..and stop saying the war is on the world will end on if you really can't wait for it, cuz it's just absurd..

  91. I think the quickest way to check the validity of this predictions is to wait for :
    2011 - As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation. Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans.

    Seeing as World War 3 will take some time to begin officially (IF it happen at all) then best to look at the next sign for a red or green light. Personally I doubt this but who knows? Best to keep an open mind about things like this. If this happen then... It's going to be hell. If not then oh well we probably will forgot about this.

  92. neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr gonna happen....

  93. 2011 already ... so .. northern hemisphere a nuclear Bomb ... Hmmm... any ideas where ??

  94. ok now it's 2011 and there is no new war coming last year.

    the least i'm from indonesia,
    there plenty of volcanic eruptions for sure last year, but ain't war comin from here...

    so.... uhm... FAIL ?

  95. of course FAIL.
    as all the others.
    not to mention, that this list is most likely a hoax.
    for those who have not lost the ability to think critically, please do some research on 'hot reading', 'cold reading', 'selective memory' etc. and visit, etc.

  96. yeah,right 3-rd world war in a past year and end of the world in 5079???also so precisely made predictions??do you believe this bullshit??after 3000 years humanity will fly in other worlds(if it survives this one though),and what world does exactly she means??Maybe Universe,naaaa!!!Universe will die after some ~100 billions of years it's still in the middle ages,I can say that it is pretty young,for a humankind to be so stupid right now,not understanding what is true and what is lie,she wasn't know what she was talking about!Here,this 2 predictions are correct

    if you want some action,wait for this one in the next year!Also in this year economic system will fail,and World's Reserve Currency will fall!

  97. @Anonymous December 25, 2010 2:59 AM: Wow you are a blue light piss special arent you? You being retardly dumb, and full of cum for saying such I'm wondering why you haven't had the excuse of someone raping you to death.

  98. yes,I have heard the story that a lot of investors are talking right now about economic crisis that will strike America in this year.14 trillion dollar debt:o looks like you have a point in dollar fall..

  99. Looks like arab world is against their rules ... more like rules who does support West ... So will the new rulers be more of from people if yes then ... do we see might happen what Baba venga is pointing ... It is easy to say I dont see anything ... but look at news ..

    Checkout for latest news

  100. Hey look at this:

    So "North Korea threatens military action over SKorea campaign"
    ... and more interestingly ...

    "If the aggressors launch provocation for a "local war" the world will witness unprecedented all-out counteraction on the part of the army and people of the DPRK," KCNA said,

    How does that sound ... are they kind of northen hemisphere

  101. I've always been one of those people who read something, and then worry, just incase it does happen - and during november last year, I was panicking a lot!
    But by the end of November, I realised how someone could easily make a guess and think that they have a special gift.
    Personally, I think that I was stupid (and anyone else who worries) for worrying, and that we should just get on with out lives.
    I mean, who really thinks that we're going to die, move to space, have war with some aliens, make some fake suns, speak to God and then leave the universe?

  102. 2011 - As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation

    Now read this

    Or listen to this

  103. the last comment really freaked me out....

  104. @AntonianaK

    Sorry didn't wanted to ... but just caught something which co-relates ..

    Today there is another Blast so 2nd blast

  105. 2111 – People become living robots.
    -So.... We become robots, but somehow regain our humanity later? Interesting notion.

    2288 – Travel back in time (Time Travel invented?). New contacts with aliens.
    -Doesn't this mean someone's going to come warn us not to go into war?

    2291 – The sun cools. Attempts were being made to light it again.
    -Right, all we need are another 10,000 nukes.

    2296 – Powerful eruption on the Sun. Changing the force of gravity. Beginning to fall old space stations and satellites.
    -Don't be ridiculous, changes in the sun doesn't change the Earth's gravity. This doesn't even make sense.

    4308 – Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.
    -Uhh, but evil and hatred are still there, people just don't know it's evil and hatred. GG.

    4509 – Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God.
    -Okay, so right before this, science was developing. But science dictates that there is essential know God figure, though there was some cataclysmic event that created the universe. But there's no way that you can physically communicate with "God".

    5076 – A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.
    -Try counting to infinity. Tell me when you get there.

    4599 – People achieve immortality.
    5079 – End of the World.
    -Don't worry, we're immortal. We got this.

  106. remember when none of this shit happened

  107. Here we go...

    Some of the things make sence. For example
    "2296 – Powerful eruption on the Sun. Changing the force of gravity. Beginning to fall old space stations and satellites." After the terrible earthquake in Japan scientists made connection with sun's euruption.

    "4509 – Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God."
    There's theory that a supreme race had cultivated us as slaves. With time we got smarter and then they abandoned us but still watching how we evolve and so on..

    About the situation with the close future... well it's very very ugly..

    Pray for Peace.
    P.S. i'm from Bulgaria but not sure if these predictions are made by her.

  108. The more we concern on it, the wired our world develops. But it seems this prediction is right, in some sense, except for some details... Waiting for the communism coming!

  109. no world war yet even if it is starting now 3 countries are at war

  110. About the WW3, we cannot say anything until 1ST JAN 2015. She said WW3 would start as "normal war", maybe we don't realize the relation between some small events/wars/conflicts?

    (11-2010) South-North Korea Conflict
    (01-2011) Arab Revolution – Domino Effect
    (19-03-2011) Libya was attacked

    Then wait xD

  111. [...2010 - World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons....]

    Today is 1st April 2011, I don't see any WW3, there are of course some local conflicts, but these conflicts happen every time

    So baba vanga predictions are yet another fun

  112. Predictions are always strange.Some people beleive it's true,some people don't belive.
    If we see this like a 'positive'prediction
    *2011 - As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation.(we can immediately point on Japan)But if we see it as a 'negative'prediction,we may say-the life here isn't destroyed.
    *2011-Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans-we may point on Libya,but if it's 'negative'-Those conflicts happen usually.
    By the way,the time will show what's true nd what's not.Nobody can ever preddict these things,not even famous lady.DOn't worry about these,these things-posts are usually maden by bloggers or the mediums who try to scare the people.Till then-breathe,live,smile and pray.:)

  113. hmm DONT BELIVE IN THIS! if things that look a like already happend,it doesn't mean anyhing.
    Be positive and everything well be OK!

  114. Can't waitt for the future to coomeee :P

  115. I kinda felt like back then when I was reading books of Clark and Asimov :)
    Anyway, I think there are by far too many prophets; the end of the world is somewhat "in". Why shouldn`t it be, if people don`t know what to do with their own`s always easier to wait for everything to end than to face oneself.

    4509 - Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God.
    OK. Then I`m somewhat off my humanity, because I feel I`m in touch with God every time the little son of my friend laughs. Every time I see my orchids going to bloom again. Every time I see the trees move in the wind...Geez, why do people even believe in this more than their own lives... :-) was a good sci-fi read though^^

  116. If you want to really know about the future watch Transcendent Man. He is a futurist inventor and makes scientific predictions. Sure its interesting to read about Baba, but its all mystical speculation at best. I will stick to science, besides immorality is only a matter of time and scientific advancement. Peace.

  117. NICE posts guys! Thank you so much! =-)

  118. PLEASE READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if you wish to believe something, you will always manipulate information/ scripture so that it appears to be coinciding with current events.

    the truth is - who cares if the world ends? were we born just to worry about the day we die? no... that defeats not just religious views but also personal spiritual principles.

    how did the predictions go from historical scripture references such as "steel birds" as planes... to topics on "mutation" and "boundary universe"?

    and if the whole of the northern hemisphere is inhabitable due to a nuclear wipe-out then how can Muslims waltz in years later to rule the land? doesn't science and recent events teach us that land which is radiated cannot safely be inhabited by humans?!

    lastly - the famous prediction of humans achieving immortality... then followed by the final final end of the world... is it just me or are there too many contradictions?

    just be yourself... live your life... do the things you want and don't let your time be wasted on something like this... God would not send individuals to Earth to warn mankind because it defeats the point - no one should know when the All Powerful will return to the world and if there is salvation, it will not be a conditional bribe - it will be based on how you lived your life in general not how you live your life based on what you read on the Internet 30 years down the line...

    if the world ends tomorrow, there can be no prevention - we will definitely all die. but at least live your days so that you will die knowing that you had the most awesome last 24 hours.

    you owe it to yourself and to your frame of mind...

  119. It's so sad that people entertain themselves in the name of Baba Vanga. I respect her, though I can hardly name any reason why; being a prophet is quite a selfish way of living. Thousands of people believe you... You with your prediction put a great presure on everyone... You raise the panic worldwide.
    It's good for her, if any of her previous prophecies have become true, good for her, if she helped anyone due to her great ability, but excuse me, people, I am not going to believe this effin' bullshit, whether it's Vangas's or not. I don't care - it sounds stupid. Idiot's the one who bethought this shit and brought it up.

  120. shiki shiki baba :)

  121. The humankind need to be filtered right now - those who lie will die, those who not will live. Perfect liars and betrayers already marked with three two point two mark, so they will be recognized as those who must be left here on their own. We are watching on humanity closely, till the date of the promise two one zero thirty three will be confirmed. We dislike how humankind rewrote all our prophecies in their ancient books making it a lie, which enforces every humanbeing to believe in something that not exist with a purpose to be more important in it's society, collect material gainings from humans' blind faith and to control everyone and everything, even us.. We will never use lie in purpose to do this. Encouraging the truth bearers and those who try to live by the way of truth to not forget the promise. For those of you who are filling what is true and what is lie in your instincts and knowledge don't know what is that, then know it now - you have been granted from your day of birth with the rank servant of great first level - one who protects minor third level and fulfill medium second level orders - they are in every civilization in this universe so don't be afraid, if you are the only ones with this ability, a lot of brothers are near you. But as universal energy streaming of trinity of One you serve, one you must remain and work without aid from your brothers. When the time will come, the great one who knows everything and do everything will call upon you to recreate this civilization. We will only watch over you and only aid when you need, and when you will be mentally ready we will communicate. We see through future, that we will become friends again like we were times ago.

  122. It´s not correct . Seems to me that someone took hers predictions and made a new ones :D . She never would speak about such a kind of stuff .. She was saying it´s not moral to predict death neither wars that can be avoid.This article is a pure manipulation!

  123. I follow a lot of predictions on the net, there is some truth in them, so they all should be considered fro validity.

  124. We're all still here!!!!!!

  125. I can't wait for the day when each one knows that peace and love are the priority of humanity.

  126. idk about these things after 2020 but WW3 has began don't you see arab spring Syria's Civil war is not actually a civil war is hosted by the world's nations soon war between them will start korea will be in it iran israel america Britain the WW3 has started if you people don't see it doesn't mean that it's not there it's like God you all believe in god most of you i think ?

  127. 2011 - As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation. Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans.

    2014 - Most people will suffer skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).

    2016 - Europe almost lonely (empty).

    Is it happening? Fukushima. Check it out. 3 melt down reactors leaking into Pacific spreading northern hemisphere. And they can't put an end to it.

  128. God exist if we say as God is everything what exist, as - all Universe, planets, stars and our nature etc - everything and All Existence is God! Another wise God not exist! But we exist and everything exists - Therefore God is so Big - infinite what we cant prescribe to us and is so small in our mind what we cant thing smother and like infinite and we are in the God and God is in our mind. But, how somebody can image the God its hims problem. Who give to us the mind, and why we not are a similar? Why some of prophets was killed from them who couldn't believe to them, therefore, somebody not like to predicate and to tell for the future, because, we can see how peoples comments mixes everything in this web sade by the comments and are contradictory with each other, maybe God doing this to us to communicate with each other? First, everybody must prescribe for themselves a God. This is a good to be afraid from Somebody what can see and control us and He can punish us with each other, like in those comments what wrote those thinks, because, who not believe for Gods existence, they doing everything in the World -like crimes, war and everything what is e bad and who protect us, again the good man who have a best contacts with God.

  129. To know better for this you must know and connect with idea and materia and to things, till example: If You could be e God - like to unit with God; How you could give the answers to all those things -to people, animals, things, natures to objects and so on to Universe and to all what EXISTS - CAN SOMEBODY OF PEOPLE, OR ANIMALS BE E GOD - NO! But, we can control OUR minds CONTROL AND electricity OR telepathic or some intelligence connections and to feel our thinks in our mind and to image something what WE WANT AND WITH OUR LIKE comer in our minds, like Baba Vanga or somebody write as 34% of people can use theirs minds, and can contact a God ...AND THIS IS FROM OUR CONNECTIONS WITH you or NATURE - EXISTENCE - LIKE NOBODY CAN SEE ME, BUT WE COMMUNICATE WITH YOU - AND NOBODY CAN SEE OUR WORD WHEN WE TALK, BUT WE CAN FEEL WITH OUR HEARS - THE TV CAN TAKE A PICTURE WITHOUT TO SEE THAT, FROM WHERE THAT COMER - MAYBE THIS IS GIVEN TO US FROM GOD? Our comments too...You can say as God exist or not exist, but, we exist and EXISTENCE EXIST - ITS MEANING OF GOD - THEREFORE, BABA VANGA FOR ITS WRITTEN PROPHECY - LIKE PEOPLE CAN COMMUNICATE WITH each other without to see each other and its same THINK with the GOD, CAN BE A EXACTLY WHAT SHE TOLD as in future people can contact a God. BECOUSE IF WE PRESCRIBE US WHAT IS A GOD - THEN WE CAN CONTACT A GOD - and GOD HELP TO YOU!
    One example if you want to hear something OR SOME WORD like "God is Big" - than can become to you this WORD - YOU CANT BELIEVE OR CAN BE E AFRAID OR LUCKY if you her this AND SOMEBODY CANT BELIEVE TO YOU, OR YOU CANT BELIEVE TO YOURSELF! - How? - Something can say to you this what yo want? We can prescribe this like from objects or from some things exactly your word what you wanted from GOD, OR SOME NEAREST OF PEOPLE CAN SPEAK TO YOU WHAT YOU WONTED FROM GOD, but, not everything what you want, till example bad things you cant have a answer, because AND maybe, or you can be a punish FOR BAD THINKS, BECAUSE IF YOU WANT TO DO SOME BAD THINGS TO SOMEBODY IN THE NAME OF GOD, YOU CAN BE E PUNISH FROM RULES, COURT LAWS OR with SOMEBODY OR somewhere, or something can happen to you in your live OR TO YOUR NEAREST AND YOU CAN THING - "MAYBE, THIS IS FROM GOD?". Therefore, you believe or not to God OR HEMS EXISTENCE, it the same to believe to something what become to you from somewhere - LIKE FROM NATURE OR FROM SOME ANIMALS OR CATASTROPHES - therefore, WE ARE INTERESTING FOR THOSE AND we discuss those FOR futures, to know AND to prevent us and to be a ready for this IN FUTURE. All those words, communications and thinks in-going in the thinks of GOD or what ...other.

  130. From ""

    Here's prophecy Vanga , which will take place in the fall of the year the governor of Syria. Their she made shortly before his death :
    "Soon the world will come to an ancient teaching. I asked, " How soon will come the time? " No, not soon. Syria still has not fallen ! Syria will fall at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not he ? "

    And now we all knows whats happenning in Syria...

  131. well i can see the muslim rule coming true...but i guess that this has been a little too much ww3 is quite not possible cuz we all knw the results so the humans have common sense to not start ww3 as about other planets im not sure i believe the whole population can be moved

  132. Just like Baba-Vanga and other renowned prophets like Nostradamus, Edward Cayce, Fatima in Portugal, Francisco Xavier, etc are highlighted spirits that reincarnated to earth with a mission sent by GOD to help and alert us of our dangers, dangers caused by our greed for power, ego, etc…….note, we are in 2015 and still we are so animalistic and primitive under some much technology but yet so mean to us and our fellow friend.

    Mediums and prophecies have always existed for thousand of years. The first medium to talk with God was Moses then came many others like John the Baptist and Jesus. Now some people 2000 years ago did not believe it then just as now some people still do not believe it today, in my guess they are people with little faith….
    According to Allan Kardec we will on day become one big race again and globalization is helping to do so…..this is also mentioned by Baba-Vanga that is very curious.

    Small example – our DNA proves we all originated from Africa 60 000 years ago. In the old testament we were building the Bable tower to burn Heaven and the people were divided by language. What is language ? Language can also mean race and from there the people separated……..

    Reincarnation exists and this bible links proves so and said by Jesus, here is the link
    For all the prophets and the Law prophesied until John.14"And if you are willing to accept it, John himself is Elijah who was to come. 15"He who has ears to hear, let him hear.…

    How did Albert Einstein come up with a few of his formulas ????? when in his life time it was impossible for him to study certain matters…..

    Please read and learn don´t settle to what your preacher or your religion has to say, there is so much information on the internet, search for Allan Kardec. Here is a link but there are many more -

    Important – Physiques abilities is of a lot of responsibility, it is a gift from God and must be used very carefully no money can be accepted from this gift. One comes with this gift to work and help for free !!!! Else very easily to will be working for the evil.

    OPEN YOUR MINDS AND YOUR HEARTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are surrounded by so many Angles trying to help us everyday.

  133. Nuclear war will happen this year my prediction ok. North korea will send 2 nukes this will stuff up America and south korea. After america retaliates china will nuke america. Russia will then nuke china big chain reaction. Nuclear fallout will impact everyone by December

  134. Hey guys! I think we have to think about timelines, maybe we are not in the timeline Baba predicted. Peoples thoughts as a whole can change timeline to better or worse. I think we changed our timeline so we must be good for now:)

  135. well.. i see it is happening .. a year or two sooner or later. and we must believe in the souls telling the future through special people.

  136. People will find meaning in anything. Just look at the bible, and jesus, bunch of trash for mouth breathers to base their irrelevant lives around.

    2011 As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere will not be any animals or vegetation.

    Oh, is that so...

  137. There came upon a holy horse, and the fifth rider's name was life! And heaven rode with her! Jill Stein

  138. Check this site:

    its the ISIS time line: in that site check what was happened to ISIS in the year 2010: abu bakr al-baghdadi became leader of the ISIS the great leader who made ISIS what it is right now. so isn't it that key point that start the WW3 in 2010 as usual?

    think about it and you can find the further key points of the future time line.

  139. we would invent space travel? isnt it proven we cant travel back in time but only forward? if we can stop time maybe that would consider going back in time because time continues and we didnt so we are slower than actual time and thus "going back". i dont think going back is really possible unless ure saying some "blackhole" is actually a portal going back in time but blackholes just crush everything that goes through it, many of these are very impossible. the one talking to god? that may be us meeting our creator who is actually an alien watching over our universe. and intelligent species that we are unable to perceive thus god.

    1. We actually still don’t really know what happens inside a black hole. The black hole crushing you is just a theory of what will happen inside since the masssive gravitational force will crush you but as Long as we have no proof of what happens inside the black hole, we are still not sure. Currently, there isn’t any methods I know of to enter the black hole, see what’s inside and exit the black hole to tell everyone.

  140. 1-800-843-5678

  141. this is inaccurate... if you go to Baba Vanga's website.. she said there wont be a world war 3... it is much like people making things up...

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